Saturday, August 27, 2005

Just Nana & Me

I have my granddaughter, Micaiah, this weekend. She's 3 1/2 years old. There are a couple things that I forgot! I forgot that she is an early riser. She woke up around 5:20 this morning! Too early for the Kid! And she wouldn' t go back to sleep. So, I suggested she watch a movie and let Nana sleep. She watched the movie, but wouldn't let me sleep. She was hungry, she had to go to the bathroom. I'm not complaining. I love having her with me. It's just that this week has been an unusual week for me. I was out late 3 night back to back this week. When I say late I mean 10:30 p.m. being the earliest time and 11:40 being the latest. I'm nomally in the bed by 8:30 because I get up around 3:30-3:45 in the morning. So I was kinda hoping to sleep in a little bit this morning to make up for my sleep loss this week. Well, no dice with this little girl. It's all good!

I forgot also that she's full of questions! Questions that I don't always have answers to! So I pray a lot when she's around.

Another thing that I forgot is that she's just 31/2 years old. She talks very well and reasons very well, but she doesn't already know how to communicate what she's feeling. She has been telling me, every so often that she's not feeling well. But everytime I ask her why she's not feeling well, and what's wrong, she says "I don't know". So, then, all I know to do about that is to pray and ask God for discernment so that I will know how to pray.

We're going to the movies, later on, and she's asked me when are we going sooo many times. Hey! I'm just NOW getting it! Maybe God is teaching me kindness, gentleness, and patience and praying without ceasing through Micaiah! The fruit of Spirit! In the past, I've asked God to help me not to wound her spirit with impatience and selfishness on my part. Sometimes, I forget,
but, more and more, I'm becoming more mindful of my attitude and I'm making adjustments as I become aware! I marvel at how God uses Micaiah to teach me the fruit of His Spirit!

Well I must go, now, because this little girl is steady talking and asking me questions and I'm need to give her my full attention! I will try to get some more in later! (The reason this blog is titled "Nana & Me" is because there is a computer book that my granddaughter likes titled "Just Grandma & Me". Micaiah made the connection the first time we read it together and said ("Just Nana & Me). I love this little girl!


At Saturday, August 27, 2005 6:59:00 PM, Blogger Pat said...

We are back! We had quite an adventure! We went to see "Valiant". It's a movie about Homing Pigeons during WWII. It was a pretty good movie, from my point of view. I think Micaiah liked it, too. At least she said she "enjoyed" it (her word, not mine). We went to Chuck E. Cheese after the movie; just to play games, Well, Micaiah actually played and ran around from game to game while I followed, handed her the coins, waited for her to finish playing and collected the tickets. I think she REALLY enjoyed Chuck E. Cheese. She collected 143 tickets and traded them in for some cool things (at least she thinks they are!) We only stayed for an hour or so, then caught the Metro home. Whew! Am I tired! But it's a good tired! I fixed our dinner when we came in. Micaiah has eaten hers and is looking at Thomas, the movie, I'm eating while I'm blogging. So, I will be signing off in a few minutes so that I can go and spend some time with that little girl.

I'm praying that we will be able to go to bed in a little while. Tomorrow morning will be here in a minute!


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